MR-piloterna is a group of human rights experts who work to increase the knowledge about human rights in organisations, schools and workplaces. They came to us requesting a new identity and website.
As MR-piloterna’s main focus is human rights, it would be crucial to you use an inclusive manner when communicating. We also needed to make it easier for potential clients to realise and be convinced of the positive effects of a human rights-based approach.
We used illustrations to create an inclusive visual identity and applied said identity to an easy-to-work-with interface, making sure all content would be accessible no matter the abilities of the visitor. We emphasised the positive effects of working with a human rights-based approach, highlighting the advantages gained of doing so.
MR-piloterna reports receiving exclusively positive feedback on their new identity and website and state that the interface is hassle-free to work with, leaving them with more time to focus on their core operation.